04 December 2008
अब डरने लगा हूँ
रोज़ तिल तिल कर मरने लगा हूँ ,
रोज़ बस से आफिस जाता हूँ ,
इसलिए आस पास की चीज़ों पर ध्यान लगता हूँ
सीट के नीचे किसी बम की शंका से मन ग्रसित रहता है
कभी कोई लावारिस बैग भ्रमित करता है ।
ख़ुद से ज़्यादा परिवार की फ़िक्र करता हूँ
इसलिए हर बात मे उनका ज़िक्र करता हूँ
रोज़ अपने चैनल के लिए ख़बर करता हूँ
और किसी रोज़ ख़बर बनने से डरता हूँ
मैं एक आम हिन्दुस्तानी की तरहां रहता हूँ
इसलिए रोज़ तिल तिल कर मरता हूँ
हालात यही रहे तो किसी रोज़ मैं भी
किसी सर फिरे की गोली या बम का शिकार बन जाऊँगा
कुछ और न सही पर बूढे अम्मी अब्बू के
आंसुओं का सामान बन जाऊँगा।
इस तरह एक नही कई जिनदगियाँ तबाह हो जाएँगी
बहोत न सही पर थोडी ही
दहशतगर्दों की आरजुओं की गवाह हो जाएँगी ।
इसीलिए मैं अब डरने लगा हूँ
हर रोज़ तिल तिल कर मरने लगा हूँ ,तिल तिल कर मरने लगा हूँ ।
08 September 2008
हिन्दी तुम मेरी साथी हो !
सुबह की सुर्ख लाली और शाम का चमकता सितारा
खुशियों का मौसम और बागों का महकता ठिकाना
दोस्त की वो मीठी बात और हँसते हुए वो कॉलेज ना जाने का बहाना
कभी किसी पे हसना कभी ख़ुद मजाक का हिस्सा बनना
वो होठों की हँसी और शोर शराबे में क्लास में न पढ़ना
मौजों की लहर मतवाली
चाय की दुकान पर वो मीठी प्याली
कभी गलती पर डांट पड़ना कभी मुस्कुरा के सारी बातें अनसुना करना
सत्र ख़तम होते होते वो भविष्य के इरादे
वो साथ रहने के वायदे
वो हम-तुम करने की शरारत हर बात पे खीजना हर बात पे झल्लाना
पर फिर मुस्कुरा के दोस्ती की कसमें खाना
हर कसम पे नसीहत हर नसीहत पे गुस्सा
हर गुस्से पे मुस्कराहट हर मुस्कराहट का किस्सा
वो सारा आलम
आज भी मेरी यादों का हिस्सा
हर खुशी आपस में बांटना हर दुःख में किसी का साथी होना
हर पल को खुशियों से तोलना
आखिरकार ज़िन्दगी को अपनी शर्तों पे जीना
ये सब इतना आसान नही होता अगर तू मेरे पास नही होती
तूने मेरी ज़िन्दगी को आसान ही नही बनाया है
बल्कि मेरे जीवन में जोश का जज्बा भी जगाया है
शायद मैं संवेदनाहीन होती अगर मुझे तेरा साथ नही होता मिला
तू मेरी भाषा ही नही मेरी आत्मा है मेरा विश्वास मेरा हौंसला
पूरी की तूने जीवन की कमियाँ
तू है मेरी मां
"इसलिए मैं तेरा शुक्रिया करती हूँ और इस अवसर पर मैं तुझे शत शत प्रणाम करती हूँ इस हिन्दी ने हमें सब कुछ दिया पर हम आज उसे ही भूलते जा रहे हैं क्या ये आज की ज़रूरत नहीं एक तरफ़ हम जहाँ अपनी सभ्यता और परम्परा को बचने की बात करते है वही प्रतिस्पर्धा के नाम पे अपनी मात्रभाषा को भूलते जा रहे हैं चलो आज अपनी आवाजों को एक कर कर अपनी भाषा का वैसा ही ख्याल रखने का प्राण करे जैसे हम अपने मां बाप का रखते हैं "
`If` an important word in history

`If` Rudyard Kipling (1910)
If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise; If you can dream--and not make dreams your master;
If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!";
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings--nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run-- Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my son!
This is my favourite poem thus decided to share it with YOU ALL.
This poem holds a meaning that u r the only one who have the solution of all ur problems. Hence become progressive and defeat all the evils who are hindering ur path of success.
`Discovering urself is more glorifying than any materialistic oppurtunities in the world`. I believe it.
The flute-playing God's many names
Here is a list of a few names- each after a fascinating story related to Him.
Sri Krishna: Acharya Garga, the family priest of Yadavs, named the Lord. He was named Krishna because of his dark complexion. His other popular names were Shyam, Shyamsundar i.e. the dark complexion lord. He was also called Yadavendra as he was born in a Yadav family.
Makhan Chor: Krishna was quite mischievous in his early years. He loved eating Makhan and therefore stole it, hence the name.
Bal Gopal: Bal means a small child who attracts all while Gopal is used for the one who plays with cowherds and has a pleasant nature. Once when all the cows of Gokul were lost, he brought them back safely to their shades by playing his magical flute. Thus after the incident villagers started calling him Gopal i.e. the protector of cows. He is also referred to as Govinda i.e. Lord of cows. The name is also symbolic for 'one who controls senses'.
Putana Jivit Haraya: Putana was a demoness who was sent by Kansa to kill Bal Krishna. She tried to feed him her poisonous milk but Krishna ultimately destroyed her.
Gopesh: In his teens Krishna used to visit Vrindavan in order to meet Radha. There he used to involve in divine pleasure making that is Rasaleela- hence being called the Lord of Gopas and Gopis. He was also called Baanke-Bihari i.e. the youthful and handsome God who enjoys life. He was also popular by the name of Bihari as he used to meet Radha in the groves of Vrindavan. His other popular name was Kunjbihari i.e. the one who roams in gardens.
Mohan: Krishna was very handsome and attractive. Hence he was called Mohan that is the one who attracts others easily.
Murali, Muralidhar, Muralimanohar: Krishna was a wonderful flute player. He never played his flute again after giving it to Radha while he was on his way to Mathura to avenge Kansa.
Devkinandan: Krishna was the biological son of Devaki therefore he was called by her mother`s name. Similarly he was also called Yashodanandan i.e. son of mother Yashoda who, though did not bear him, nurtured him.
Vasudev: Vasudev was the biological father of Krishna who took infant Krishna away from Kansa by crossing Yamuna to the house of Nand. The people of Nand and Braj also knew him as Nandgopal and Nandraja i.e. the one bringing joy.
Giridhari: Krishna freed the people of Gokul from age-old ritual of worshipping Indra-the God of rain. In response Indra got angry and destroyed the village making all villagers homeless. Then Krishna lifted Govardhan hill on his mini finger and saved them. Thus he was called Giridhari i.e. the one who lifted Giri or hill.
Mathuranath, Mathuranaresh: Sri Krishna was born in Mathura though due to circumstances he was brought up in Gokul. Thus after the death of King Kansa he crowned his Maternal Grandfather as the King of Mathura. He later became the King of Dwarika and was also called Dwarakadheesh or Dwarikapati.
Partha Sarthi: At the time of Mahabharata, Krishna played a diplomat and gave his whole army to the Kauravas while preffering to be the charioteer of Arjuna. Arjuna was the Parthi while Krishna was the Saarthi.
Mayur: Mayur stands for peacock. Sri Krishna was always seen wearing a peacock-feathered crust.
Sudarshana: It originally means a lord who has a mystic appeal and is simultaneously striking and handsome.
Chakradhar, Chakrapani: One who carries Sudarshan Chakra.
Hari: Hari stands for the lord of nature who desires to enjoy the serene beauty of nature.
Sarvapalaka: It stands for the protector of all. He is also known as Jagannath i.e. Lord of the whole world
Madhav: He is also known as husband of goddess of fortune Sri Laxmi
Shri Krishna—Youth Icon
Introduction-- Krishna an inspiration
`Krishna` is divided into two syllables `krish` and `na`. `Krish `means` one who has appeared on Earth to mitigate the burden of demoniac kings, and who attracts the minds of all living entities`. `Na` means `the supreme transcendental pleasure`. These two syllables combine to become the name `Krishna`.
Shri Krishna, the flute player has been the source of inspiration for many through ages – the perfect youth icon. He is like the blossom of spring that keeps returning with every season. Whenever we think of him, the picture, which emerges is that of a dark complexioned, attractive man who is ready to acquire anything through `Saama, Daama, Dand, Bhed` and yet remain free of all vices. He is one of the most revered Gods of Hindu mythologies.
The master of all arts, he is a true leader having that rare mystic appeal and beauty, which is hard to resist. He continues to rule our hearts and actions. We know Lord Krishna by many names but the most popular ones are Balgopal, Makhan Chor, Govinda, Devkinandan, Murali, Morari, Girdhari, Dwarakadhish and Parthisartha. Traits and character like him are hard to find in any individual. The younger generation admires him and treasures his principles.
Who was Krishna as a youth?
Shri Krishna is like the morning mist that brings tranquillity and novelty with itself. He personifies the eternal spring of youth. Krishna while enacting his leela on earth was a man of his word. He went through sufferings, pain, revenge, ambition, achievements, love, marriage, politics, diplomacy and finally submission to death, which is very similar to the life of the youth today. But what made his life divine was that he remained a ‘Karmayogi’, performing actions yet remaining free from them. He attained a human body, to show humans that they can use their body to discover spirituality and the Absolute truth. He took incarnation to kill Kansa. His childhood was beautiful and mischievous like that of any common child. He was a Makhan Chor and enjoyed the nature and colours of all festivals and arts. His love play with ‘Gopis’ (milkmaids) and ‘Gopas’ finally ending in Rasaleela is something every teen shares with their lovers. His love for Radha was eternal and an ideal example for all of us. Because of his pragmatic approach, he is loved, followed and worshipped.
Krishna inspires youth to be determined, courageous, articulate and diplomatic. He was an able administrator, strategy maker, philosopher, and above all a politician. Various instances of his life, which highlight these aspects are-
Youthfulness (Naughty at young age, then playing and enjoying with Gopas and Gopis as well the epic of love and longing in Rasaleela)
Joyful (Enjoying all colours of festivals and arts)
Daring (Killed Kansa and evil powers)
Rebellious against old rituals, customs (Stopped villagers from worshipping Indra for rain and lifted Govardhana hill)
Far Sighted (Advised Yudhishthir and other Pandavas for the right strategies to win the battle of Mahabharata)
Firm and Determined (Achieved all what he wanted at any cost)
Good Politician and Diplomat (Always was a well wisher of Pandavas yet a friend of Kauravas)
Wise Strategy Maker (Was the strategy maker for Pandavas in Kurukshetra)
Philosopher (Revealed Gita to Arjuna which contains the meaning of life when he was in dilemma)
Good Friend (Helped each of his friend either it was Sudama or Arjuna )
Learned (Well versed in Arts and Shastras)
Well Mannered and polite (Treated everyone as equal)
Good Administrator (Dwarka is told to be one of the best states that ever existed)
Very Practical Approach (Used Saama-Daama-Dand-Bhed as essential)
What today`s youth desire?
Today`s youth is competitive, fast and enterprising; in brief, they are jack of all trade. They want to obtain things at any rate. If they set eyes on anything, they want to acquire it even if the path followed is justified or not. Pleasure is yet another vital aspect of their life. They never question morality and live in relationships, in fact, `we need to have an understanding before we decide to live together forever` is their logical response. They are assertive in their demands. They dare to go to any extent to get what they desire and are manipulative, intelligent and shrewd. However, they crave for art and culture too. In such a scenario, where the Youth is swinging between desire and peace, Krishna’s message in the form of Bhagvad Gita comes to rescue. The divine concept of ‘Karmayoga’ (the path of selfless action and selfless service) and the ‘Stitha-Pragya’ (a person of unwavering intellect) acts as an anchor and ideal for the youth.
Krishna-In our hearts forever
Krishna`s message is like an eternal flower that spreads its fragrance across all generations. He was a mentor, dictator, politician and a diplomat – traits that inspires every one. He represents wealth, strength, beauty, knowledge, and renunciation in all its glory. There is no doubt that he was a God but even after being the divine, he took birth to show the limitless possibilities that exists in human beings. His determination, courage and endeavours truly motivate the youth.
09 August 2008
Nagasaki – A black page in the golden history
Today remembering Nagasaki atomic bombings on its 63rd anniversary I feel short of words. We use to read about this catastrophe in our history books but now actually visualizing that what would be the situation at that time seriously puts me in a panic situation.
Only because a country was proving too efficient in the skills of war, it was destroyed by the super powers reigning during World War II is highly disrespectable. Today more or less the same situation prevails but we are safe on the criteria that all countries are equally efficient and if one tries to follow the destructible path in order to gain supremacy then nobody can prevent us from havouc.
Those who killed many were never punished; those who were left were only sufferers of destiny because they were left to brood over their sadistic lives with no aim and nobody to confide in. `Lost lives in hell` that’s sound more of their gloomy way of structuring lives. Still they have the confidence to live for whatever they have got with them.
More than 60 years have passed but what about the families that were affected that time. People and families suffered badly. In wake of all this we still are not getting abreast of the fact that war is not the solution of all problems in fact it`s the beginning of collateral damage.
Whether the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki constituted a needless tragedy or a pragmatic military decision is still not clear. Those who made the decision, as well as most of the survivors, are long gone. The effects, though the lasting curse of radiation, the memory of the ghastly civilian casualties, the psychological impact of simply knowing that such a destructive force exists do remain. One can only hope that those who now wield the tools of Armageddon will remember the lessons of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for a long time to come and will ask for peace forever and ever…………….
08 August 2008
Kishore Da--Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna
He was born in Khandwa (MP), his father Kunjalal Ganguli was a pleader, an advocate and mother Gouri Devi was a simple housewife who belonged to a wealthy family.His was the voice that sang unforgettable numbers like the joyous 'Paanch rupaiya baara aana', the soulful 'Zindagi ka safar', the romantic 'Pal, pal dil ke pas' and the foot tapping 'Eena meena deeka' that has people doing the twist even 50 years later. Mere Sapno Ki Rani and Roop Tera Mastana, which became smash hits are one of many which we all humm in our private moments.
U can easily check his remix songs on any of the charts. Such was his profoundness for music that the scores are still relishable by the younger generation. Once music director Anu Malik regarded him by saying, "One can only copy him, none can innovate like him,"However, to call Kishore Kumar only a singer would be underestimating his talent. He was a multi-faceted personality who was at once a lyricist, composer, producer, director, screenwriter and scriptwriter. And in all these areas he has left his unique mark. He is an idle for all the music directors in our country today.
Noticeable fact: Anand originally was supposed to star Kishore Kumar and Mehmood but due to some misunderstandings between him and Hrishikesh Mukherjee due to which the idea was dropped and new stars Rajesh Khanna and Amitabh Bachchan were casted.
Etymology:He has sung in many languages including Marathi, Assamese, Gujarati, Kannada, Bhojpuri, Malayalam and Oriya.He holds the record for most number of Filmfare Awards won for Best Male Playback Singer.His first film as an actor was Shikari (1946), first song Marne ki duayen kyon mangu for the film Ziddi (1948First filmfare as Male playback singer for Roop Tera Mastana.He was a genius when it came to singing be it roop tera mastana, Humein aur jeene ki, Saagar Kinare or the energetic Khaike Paan Banaras WalaAnd as one song sung by him, states itself….Chalte Chalte mere ye geet yaad rakhna……. Kabhi alvida na kehna-kabhi alvida na kehna
Kishore Kumar We wish you a Very Happy Birthday You live forever with us in your music.....................