09 August 2008

Nagasaki – A black page in the golden history

Today remembering Nagasaki atomic bombings on its 63rd anniversary I feel short of words. We use to read about this catastrophe in our history books but now actually visualizing that what would be the situation at that time seriously puts me in a panic situation.

Only because a country was proving too efficient in the skills of war, it was destroyed by the super powers reigning during World War II is highly disrespectable. Today more or less the same situation prevails but we are safe on the criteria that all countries are equally efficient and if one tries to follow the destructible path in order to gain supremacy then nobody can prevent us from havouc.

Those who killed many were never punished; those who were left were only sufferers of destiny because they were left to brood over their sadistic lives with no aim and nobody to confide in. `Lost lives in hell` that’s sound more of their gloomy way of structuring lives. Still they have the confidence to live for whatever they have got with them.

More than 60 years have passed but what about the families that were affected that time. People and families suffered badly. In wake of all this we still are not getting abreast of the fact that war is not the solution of all problems in fact it`s the beginning of collateral damage.

Whether the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki constituted a needless tragedy or a pragmatic military decision is still not clear. Those who made the decision, as well as most of the survivors, are long gone. The effects, though the lasting curse of radiation, the memory of the ghastly civilian casualties, the psychological impact of simply knowing that such a destructive force exists do remain. One can only hope that those who now wield the tools of Armageddon will remember the lessons of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for a long time to come and will ask for peace forever and ever…………….


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